E-mail: m.paek@yourteaminternational.ca
전화번호: 514 970 8841
지역: Quebec 주민 누구나 ( eCoPR 받으신분 이상)
Free Starting a business in English program!
( 이민자 정착 프로그램, 직업교육 어카운팅)
Accounting program in English. Online program. Exams are done on-site (시험은 교육청에서)
Sep 6 Mon to Fri. 08:30 am to 15;30 pm 종일반
Sep 26 Mon to Fri. 5;30 pm to 9;30 pm 저녁반
위에 두 반중 한 반을 선택 하셔야 합니다
Duration; 12 months (1350hours/90 credits)

Why enroll in this program?
The professional training you receive opens doors to many kinds of jobs in both the public and private sectors.
• The technological skills you acquire are highly valued in today's business world.
• You can start your own business or work freelance.
E-mail: m.paek@yourteaminternational.ca
전화번호: 514 970 8841
지역: Quebec 주민 누구나 ( eCoPR 받으신분 이상)
Free Starting a business in English program!
( 이민자 정착 프로그램, 직업교육 어카운팅)
Accounting program in English. Online program. Exams are done on-site (시험은 교육청에서)
Sep 6 Mon to Fri. 08:30 am to 15;30 pm 종일반
Sep 26 Mon to Fri. 5;30 pm to 9;30 pm 저녁반
위에 두 반중 한 반을 선택 하셔야 합니다
Duration; 12 months (1350hours/90 credits)

Why enroll in this program?
The professional training you receive opens doors to many kinds of jobs in both the public and private sectors.
• The technological skills you acquire are highly valued in today's business world.
• You can start your own business or work freelance.
Registration: m.paek@yourteaminternational.ca ( 스칼렛)
Eligible to the loan and bursary from AFE (Aide financière aux études (AFE) 정부보조금 지원 가능.
등록전에 보조금 Simulation 합니다. 본인 2022 income, 배우자 2021 income 정보 필요합니다
Scarlet Meae Paek Counselor of Admission
Your Team International
1168, Sainte Catherine Ouest # 105 (Peel역 근처, Second cup 2층)
Montréal Québec, H3B 1K1